Some Deities, a Drabble, and More!

Hi, friends. It’s been a while.

I’d love to say this prolonged absence is due to a flurry of activity in my life, but it’s not. Truth is, I could write a post here every day if I wanted. Every hour, even! But then my updates would consist solely of what I’d done since the previous hour, and I don’t think anyone wants to read about how many Oreos I just ate, or how many people I had to fight at the store to secure another package of Oreos. (It was twelve. For both things.)

Anyway, since updates continue to be few and far between here, let’s get right to the cream-filling of the matter: I have story sales to announce! First, let’s talk about some double-stuffed deities.

I mentioned in my last post (just six short months ago!) that I’d sold a story to Medusa, one of the first installments in Flame Tree’s gorgeous new “Myths, Gods & Immortals” anthology series. Well, good news! Medusa has slithered into existence, carrying with it my weird cyberpunk/Frankenstein/feminist/Greek-myth revenge story, “Snakes and Stones, We’ll Break Their Bones.”

I’m very proud of this one. It makes me want to write more modern stories about women from Greek myth.

. . . Which brings me to my next announcement: Circe! I made it into this volume of Flame Tree’s new series as well, with a present-day story set in Miami that does its best to clean up the crummy reputation all the old Greek and Roman poets gave Circe.

The book is available now, and my contribution is called “From Darkness, Awake.” I’m very proud of this one. It makes me want to write more modern stories about women from Greek myth.

. . .

(You can probably see where this is going.)

Guess what! I’ve got another story coming out in the Myths, Gods & Immortals series: “The Love Goddess’s War,” in Aphrodite. What happens when a love goddess in the year 2047 gets a sudden dose of reality, and realizes the world’s not what it used to be? Heck if I know. But I decided to write about it anyway! And now YOU have to read it. (Or not. We could also just split a package of Oreos and then fight over the last sixteen Oreos. I’m flexible.)

Aphrodite is scheduled for publication in June of 2025–just in time for Valentine’s Day! (But only if you’re below the equator. And on Venus.)

But wait: the ever-gracious editors at Flame Tree aren’t done publishing my stories! They also included a few of my flash fiction pieces in their monthly newsletters.

For their “Galactic Bazaar” theme, I wrote an SF piece called “The Love of the Hunt.” It’s got some action, some drama, and at least one (1) galactic bazaar. The newsletter that included the story has been archived here.

For Flame Tree’s “Clone Claus” issue, I wrote a Christmas/SF/humor tale called “Ho Ho Toe.” It’s definitely a lot goofier than any of the above stories, and should become an instant Christmas-Eve tradition for anyone who appreciates both holiday magic and feet.

You can read “Ho Ho Toe” here.

Lastly, I had a drabble (a story of exactly 100 words–about 1/6 the length of this post) published in January. I’ve only ever written two drabbles, and now I’ve sold them both. I currently have a 100% success rate on drabbles. I am just dribbling drabbles over here. It’s the reason I own so many mops.

This one is called “Now to Eric,” and you can read it over at 100-Foot Crow. Interesting tidbit about this story: I wrote it in October of 2015, as then-topical social commentary. The fact that it’s still relevant ten years later is kind of depressing.

That’s it for today, friends. Check in next time, to find out how many new cavities I have!


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