Story Sale: “Champions of Breakfast”

I found out last week that I sold a story to Alex Shvartsman’s Unidentified Funny Objects 4 anthology, which is significant for a number of reasons:

1.  I sold a story.  If you’ve been thinking about buying stock in confetti, now’s the time.

2.  Specifically, I sold a story to Unidentified Funny Objects.  Ever since having “No Silver Lining” published in the first volume of this anthology series, I’ve wanted to weasel my way back in.  Unfortunately, for the past two volumes Alex has managed to catch me breaking into his warehouse before I could glue my napkin-scrawled Buffy fan-fiction into the books.

This time around, however, I took a more conventional route:  tricking Alex into thinking I know what I’m doing.  Somehow, it worked.

3.  It’s no secret that I worship Neil Gaiman.  I mention this because A) it always bears mentioning, even if for no particular reason, and B) it’s relevant to the current topic, because Neil’s got a story appearing in UFO4.

This, of course, means that my name will be appearing in the same book as Neil Gaiman’s.  And this time it’s not just because I’m in a bookstore and have a pen handy.

There are a number of other great names included in the volume as well (you can check the TOC here), but I mention Neil specifically because he’s been a huge influence on me.  (See:  “worship,” above.)

And that’s my news for today.  See you all in 6-12 months!


I Am the King of Site Updates

. . . And like any good king, I hibernate every other year.  But now I’ve emerged from my Cave of Reclusivity (it’s a word, trust me–I’m a king), and come bearing a medley of news that’s one part recent, two parts outdated.

– News the first:  Bloody Knuckles has been published, which includes my science fiction/MMA story “The Miracle Man.”  You can check it out here.

– News the second:  I sold a flash story called “The Hornet’s Sting” to Abyss and Apex.  It’s due out in 2015, meaning you’ll see me mention it again sometime in 2037.

– News the third:  Not only did I sell a story to Intergalactic Medicine Show, but as of last night (11/25/2014), that story has been published!  You can read “Eli Whitney and the Cotton Djinn” here, and while you don’t have to be an American history buff to appreciate the story, being a cotton enthusiast would certainly help.


Splish Splash, I’ve Been Selling Some Flash

Lots of people like science fiction.  They also like days, because days are when all the best stuff happens:  eating waffles, throwing boomerangs, not getting transformed into rampaging were-beasts under the glow of a full moon.  So, with both science fiction and days being so popular, it stands to reason that people should enjoy Daily Science Fiction–which is great, because that’s where I’ve sold my new flash fiction story, “Tunnel Vision.”

This pleases me greatly, because I’ve been a fan of DSF ever since I became a fan of DSF.  (Congratulations, you’ve just witnessed what happens when I realize I can’t remember a specific date halfway through typing a sentence.)  I don’t know exactly when my story will be published yet, but if you’d like to sign up for the DSF mailing list now (it’s free, and all they need is your email address), that’s a decision that could be pretty safely filed under “good ideas.”

In other flash news, “The Crimson Cloak,” which I sold to Weird Tales some time ago, looks like it will soon be seeing publication, after marinating for the 15 months or so that it takes to make a fairy tale truly exceptional.  WT announced the new issue in this post on Facebook, and if the cover art and table of contents are any indication, this will be something worth picking up.

And with that, I have no more news for now.  But please do check for more updates soon, because there should be something new to read every time you return to this site, assuming you hibernate for ten months out of the year.


News! (x2)

Apparently good things comes in pairs, which is not the same as coming in pears, because that would be awfully soggy and could adversely affect a thing’s ability to be considered “good.”

I have two bits of news today, the first of which is that Dennis Miller (no, not that Dennis Miller) over at Smoke and Mirrors (yes, that Smoke and Mirrors) read my story “No Silver Lining” in Unidentified Funny Objects and decided he’d like to use his alchemical powers to transmute it into a podcast.  In case you’re unfamiliar, the Smoke and Mirrors podcasts sound like wonderful old-timey radio shows, which is very exciting because I’ve never been a part of an old-timey radio show before, wonderful or otherwise.

News the Second:  I recently sold a story called “The Miracle Man” to ThunderDome Press’s Bloody Knuckles anthology.  As the name suggests, Bloody Knuckles is a collection of romantic vampire stories and fondue recipes set in 1920s Illinois.  Except that it’s actually a collection of Mixed Martial Arts tales, which has me very excited.

As always, I’ll be sure to post again when these stories are available to the public, pending FDA approval.
