News! (x2)

Apparently good things comes in pairs, which is not the same as coming in pears, because that would be awfully soggy and could adversely affect a thing’s ability to be considered “good.”

I have two bits of news today, the first of which is that Dennis Miller (no, not that Dennis Miller) over at Smoke and Mirrors (yes, that Smoke and Mirrors) read my story “No Silver Lining” in Unidentified Funny Objects and decided he’d like to use his alchemical powers to transmute it into a podcast.  In case you’re unfamiliar, the Smoke and Mirrors podcasts sound like wonderful old-timey radio shows, which is very exciting because I’ve never been a part of an old-timey radio show before, wonderful or otherwise.

News the Second:  I recently sold a story called “The Miracle Man” to ThunderDome Press’s Bloody Knuckles anthology.  As the name suggests, Bloody Knuckles is a collection of romantic vampire stories and fondue recipes set in 1920s Illinois.  Except that it’s actually a collection of Mixed Martial Arts tales, which has me very excited.

As always, I’ll be sure to post again when these stories are available to the public, pending FDA approval.


Recent Publications: UFO, At Year’s End

It’s been a little quiet here lately, but I finally have something to announce:  Alex Shvartsman’s Unidentified Funny Objects and Kazka Press’s At Year’s End have both been published and are available for purchase.  Each of these anthologies includes a story written by me (“No Silver Lining” and “When Friends Come to Call,” respectively), which I can only assume is the result of an editorial mix-up or one of my many forgotten pacts with the devil.

If you’d like to read my contributions to these collections, please get your copies today, before someone realizes the error they’ve made or the dark prince comes for my soul (which is valued at considerably less than the market standard I claimed).  Although I haven’t had a chance to read UFO yet, I just finished At Year’s End last night, and I can say that it’s positively delightful–a perfect holiday treat for anyone who likes bite-sized fiction.

Unidentified Funny Objects


Unidentified Funny Objects (humorous SF/Fantasy stories) — $5.99 Kindle e-book; $15.99 trade paperback.  (Or, buy it directly from and get both the e-book and paperback for a total of $15.99!)



At Year's End


At Year’s End (year-end holiday stories, in the style of SF/Fantasy flash-fiction) — $2.99 Kindle e-book; $2.99 Nook e-book.

The Story So Far

The main reason I created this site was to keep people updated when I sell stories. Unfortunately, I haven’t sold anything since registering this domain, so I have no news to report right now. Still, I decided I should post something, because my front page needed a placeholder until the next big announcement.

So here’s a picture of a cheetah chewing on a stick.




Coming Soon . . .

Yes, this page is mostly empty.  And yes, it looks like every other WordPress site.  But never fear!  I happen to know a very talented web designer, and he’s graciously volunteered to work around the clock on projects that are completely unrelated to this one.

Before long, though, I should have a nice, fancy site for your viewing pleasure.  Hopefully you’ll see some big changes around here by mid-October.  And hopefully that October will be the one occurring in 2012.

Check back soon!


UPDATE (10/17/2012):  If you’ve somehow managed to find your way here (probably from my link at the Lovecraft Ezine), I know the website still isn’t really functional yet, but the least I can do is provide you with links to my currently published stories:

Lovestruck” (Flash Fiction Online, 02/14/2012)

My Least Immemorial Year” (Lovecraft Ezine, 10/17/2012)